Shape Tweening
Shape Tweening
Create a new movie and draw a red circle in frame 1 using the Oval tool.
1. Click on frame 15 and create a new keyframe by pressing F6.
2. In keyframe 15, draw a large filled square on top of the circle.
3. In the timeline click anywhere between 1 to 15, and select Insert > Create Shape
Tween. See Note (4).
4. Test the movie to see the circle tween to the square.
5. To tween the square smoothly back to the circle, click on frame 1, and copy to
clipboard by choosing Edit > Copy.
6. Click on frame 30 and press F6 to insert a keyframe.
7. Press DEL to delete the square.
8. Choose Edit > Paste in Place, to put the copied circle in exactly the same place in
frame 30 as it was in frame 1.
9. Apply a shape tween between 15 and 30.
10. Test the movie. Save as Ex2.FLA and Ex2.SWF.
Note :
(4) Shape tweens are reflected in the Timeline by a solid arrow over olive colored frames
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