Color Cycling

 Color Cycling

1. Create a new movie. In the Toolbox select the Text tool. In Properties panel select

Static Text.

2. Write some text using an appropriate font and size, red color.

3. Select the text and convert to graphic symbol.

4. Create keyframes in frames 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60

5. Place playback head on frame 1. Click on the text to select it.

6. In Properties panel select Tint from Color field.

7. Change color to red and tint amount to 100%.

8. Repeat the procedure by selecting yellow (10), green (20), cyan (30), blue (40),

magenta (50), red (60).

9. Apply motion tweens between the keyframes.

10. Test the movie. Save as Ex5.FLA and Ex5.SWF.


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