Candle flame flowing experiment.

 Candle flame flowing experiment.

1. Open a Flash document, and add two new layers.

2. Rename the layers Top Flame, Middle Flame, and Bottom Flame.

3. Create the shapes.

On the Stage, use the oval tool to create three concentric oval shapes without

strokes. In the Bottom Flame layer, create a large oval; in the Middle Flame layer,

create a medium oval (center it over the first oval); in the Top Flame layer, create

a small oval (center it over the medium oval). Give each oval a different color.

4. Select frame 5 in all three layers.

5. Choose Insert > Timeline > Keyframe.

Flash creates a keyframe with the same content as keyframe 1 for each layer.

6. In the Timeline, select any of the frames in the keyframe 1 span (1, 2, 3, or 4) in all

three layers.

7. In the Frame Properties tab of the Property inspector, from the Tween menu, choose

Shape. To create flickering flames, you need to reshape the ovals in keyframe 5.

For preceding

. 1. Open the document you created in the preceding section.

This movie spans five frames on three layers. The first keyframe shows the flame

as three concentric oval shapes; the final keyframe shows the flame in a taller,

flickering configuration.

2. In the Timeline, select all five frames on all three layers.

3. In one of the selected frames, Control-click (Mac) or right-click (Windows) to access the

frame-editing contextual menu; then choose Copy Frames.

4. In the Timeline, select frame 6 in all three layers.

5. In one of the selected frames, Control-click (Mac) or right-click (Windows) to access the

frame-editing contextual menu, and choose Paste Frames.

6. In the Timeline, select frames 610 on all three layers.

7. Choose Modify > Timeline > Reverse Frames.


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